【M&S賀年好煮意#5】「撈起」這道亞洲風味的新年菜式,只要加添來自M&S的創意,也會變得非同凡響。例如以M&S扁意粉代替中式麵條,配上以M&S南瓜甜薯湯製作的醬汁,保證讓賓客眼前一亮! 😋🍽️ 加上包羅萬有的豐富配料,祝願親朋好友衣食豐足,心想事成。 快到M&S門市尋找你的心水食材! 提提你,M&S Hong Kong 流動應用程式暫時關閉,將於2月13日恢復正常運作。 By adding a little M&S twist to “Lou Hei” with M&S linguine and M&S butternut squash and sweet potato soup, you will turn the traditional festive dish into a unique fusion cuisine! 😋🍽️ The M&S recipe also grabs the guests’ attention with tons of other ingredients, ensuring to fill your fami
【M&S賀年好煮意#4】想小朋友也感受到濃厚新年氣氛,不妨和孩子一起享受入廚樂! 👨👩👧👦 M&S另一賀年食譜 —萬事「魚」意批,以酥皮製成趣緻的魚造型 🐠 ,可以鼓勵小孩子一同參與創作,盡享節日的親子時光。想與孩子一同炮製更多色香味俱全的新年菜式,歡迎到M&S門市及M&S Hong Kong 流動應用程式選購優質食材。 📍限時優惠: 於M&S HK流動應用程式購物淨額滿$800,即享免費送貨! Enjoy fun in the kitchen during holidays with your kids! 👨👩👧👦 Our new recipe - The Seafood Pie will let the creativity juices of the little ones flow through the puff pastry by making it into a shape of a lovely sea creature
【M&S賀年好煮意#1】熱鬧的新年裡共聚一堂,當然要準備好意頭的應節菜式🥳。配搭香氣撲鼻的「Cook with M&S豉油薑蒜醬」便輕鬆完成!😋🥢想大顯身手?快到M&S門市或M&S Hong Kong 流動應用程式選購食材和方便至極的「Cook with M&S 」醬料吧! Celebrate Chinese New Year with your beloved family with auspicious festive dishes! 🥳 M&S, joins in the fun and shares their Chinese-inspired recipe “Nian Nian You Yu (May there be surplus year after year)” with“Cook with M&S Soy, Ginger & Garlic Paste”,Chinese-cooking has never been easier