我們極盡精緻的朱古力餅乾禮盒由比利時大師精心炮製,每件充滿令人一試難忘的榛子夾心和馬達加斯加雲呢拿,讓人忍不住在聖誕前就整盒吃光呢!🍪😍✨ 快來門市選購吧! Made by master Belgian biscuiteers, our chocolate biscuit pearls are filled with roasted hazelnut praline and Madacascan vanilla. Perfect for Christmas – or those all important taste-tests ahead of the big day. Pick up at your nearest M&S Foodhall now!...
舉行派對,怎可缺少美酒?甜甜香香的柳橙氣泡酒,最適合在萬聖節或郊外野餐時作為開胃酒,備有樽裝和罐裝,方便隨時隨地與親朋好友一同品嚐。立即親臨門市選購! Say cheers to the ONLY spritz worth sipping this autumn. Our new aperitivo spritz, made with Spanish wine and zesty orange bitters, is autumn, bottled. Share with friends and family at home, or pick up a can for the park. Cheers! Aperitivo Spritz Bottle / 75cl $79...