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Boo-nanas and marvellous mummies 「公平貿易」香蕉
Fairtrade Bananas
Skyr Natural Icelandic Style Thick Natural Yogurt 步驟 :
1. 先把香蕉對半切開,每邊再切成三等份。
2. 把香蕉串入木棒上,再置於放有牛油紙的托盤上。
3. 放進冰箱冷藏 30分鐘。
4. 取出香蕉棒,沾上乳酪,再加上兩點黑色糖霜作眼睛。亦可以將部分香蕉棒加上拖肥醬作木乃伊繃帶,放進冰箱直至凝固。
Slice bananas lengthways and then cut each half into three. Place each section onto a lolly stick and place onto a tray lined with greaseproof paper. Freeze for 30 minutes. Remove from the freezer and dip the banana lollies into the yoghurt and add two eyes with black icing. Add a drizzle of toffee sauce to a few of the bananas to create mummy bandages. Place in the freezer until set. 嘩鬼甜椒配雞心豆滋味醬
Jack-o'-lantern houmous pots 特級初榨橄欖油雞心豆滋味
Houmous With Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Multipack Peppers 步驟 :
2. 再將鷹嘴豆放入甜椒的內部。
3. 可配合生蔬絲一起作裝飾。
Remove the top of the pepper and deseed. Carefully carve a Jack-o'-lantern face into the side of the pepper and then fill with piri piri houmous (no cat in HK). Serve with fresh veggie crudités. 軟芝士馬麥醬酥皮蛇
Marmite snakes 牛油酥皮
All Butter Puff Pastry
Marmite Cream Cheese 步驟 :
1. 把牛油酥皮攤開,加上一層全脂軟芝士媽蜜酵母精華。
2. 將酥皮切成一條一條,再將酥皮條扭成扭紋狀。
3. 把扭紋酥皮掃上蛋漿,灑上芝麻與葵花籽作眼睛。
4. 烤焗至金黃色後加上一小塊甜椒作舌頭裝飾即成。
Unroll the puff pastry and add a layer of M&S Marmite cream cheese. Cut into long strips and twist. Brush with egg, sprinkle over some sesame seeds and add sunflower seeds for eyes. Bake until golden and add a small piece of pepper to create a tongue. 蘋果怪獸
Apple monsters Pink Lady®蘋果
Pink Lady® Apples
Crunchy Peanut Butter 步驟 :
1. 把每個蘋果切開四份後,再切除蘋果芯。
2. 在蘋果塊的中間位置切走一小部分作為嘴巴。
3. 將嘴巴部分塗上脆粒花生醬。
4. 加上葵花籽作牙齒,一片士多啤梨作舌頭與糖霜作眼睛。
Cut apples into quarters and remove the core. Remove a small section of the middle of each quarter to create a mouth. Fill the gap with M&S crunchy peanut butter with maple and pecan. Add sunflower seeds for the teeth, a slice of strawberry for the tongue and icing eyes. See more