電子通訊當道的年代,親手撰寫情人節卡更顯心意!以下多款精美設計的情人節卡,有3D圖案、可愛卡通到特別觸感的款式,你的愛侶最喜歡哪一款?立即到M&S門市選購,為他/她送上浪漫心意!😘 In the age of digital communication, a hand-written Valentine’s Day card is rare and thus especially precious! Can you guess which of these M&S Valentine’s Day card—from 3D to cartoon to laser cut—your special one loves most? Get him/her a card in store today to show your affection on Valentine’s Day! 😘... #MandSHK 展开
電子通訊當道的年代,親手撰寫情人節卡更顯心意!以下多款精美設計的情人節卡,有3D圖案、可愛卡通到特別觸感的款式,你的愛侶最喜歡哪一款?立即到M&S門市選購,為他/她送上浪漫心意!😘 In the age of digital communication, a hand-written Valentine’s Day card is rare and thus especially precious! Can you guess which of these M&S Valentine’s Day card—from 3D to cartoon to laser cut—your special one loves most? Get him/her a card in store today to show your affection on Valentine’s Day! 😘... #MandSHK 展开
Published Date:2/9/2021 9:29:28 AM From:Facebook
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