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根據滙豐喺今年九月做嘅調查,每5個香港人入面,就有4個曾經被騙徒選中,經由電話、短訊、社交媒體等平台,加上各種詐騙技倆,企圖索取其個人資料、 銀行戶口資料、甚至係金錢!調查亦發現網上情緣及電子支付詐騙造成的損失最為嚴重!即睇下圖調查結果! 唔想中伏?即刻參考滙豐防詐騙三大守則: #滙豐 #網絡安全... 【😱You may already have been chosen…】
According to a survey we conducted in September this year, in every 5 Hong Kongers, 4 have been targeted for attempted fraud through different channels such as phone calls, text messages, social media, where they were asked to share personal information, bank account details and even money! We also discovered that fraudulent cases related to digital payments and romance scams contribute to the largest financial losses! Check out our survey results below.
Don’t want to become the next victim? Explore our 3 tips on fraud prevention: #HSBC #Cybersecurity See more