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小朋友有冇理解基本金錢概念嘅能力?千其唔好睇少佢哋!灌輸子女理財知識應該要從小開始,為小朋友開立滙豐嘅兒童儲蓄戶口,可以教導佢哋踏出獨立理財第一步,俾子女自小養成良好嘅理財習慣,長大後就更FinFit! 想令你嘅財政更「FinFit」?即上滙豐FinFit平台了解更多:
... 資料來源: Finfit Study. June 2020 #滙豐FinFit #兒童理財 #零用錢 #身體要Fit理財都要Fit #滙豐兒童儲蓄戶口 【HSBC FinFit: Foster good financial habits in your children! 】
It’s never too early to start cultivating proper wealth management skills in your children. With HSBC’s Children Savings Accounts, you can mentor your children on essential saving, planning and spending concepts to set them up to become financially independent one day. Start developing their financial literacy today and stay FinFit for life. Visit HSBC FinFit to know more: Source: FinFit Study. June 2020 #HSBCFinFit #ChildrensFinances #PocketMoney #KeepFit #KeepFinanciallyFit #ChildrenSavingsAccount See more