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曾經打過仗?去過大阪?被流彈傷過?有 85 年歷史嘅銅獅 Stephen 同Stitt,經歷多多,故事仲更多,快啲逐格 Click 入銅獅,了解佢哋嘅事蹟。同場加映個好消息:兩位銅獅完成首階段清潔後已經返嚟大家身邊,繼續鎮守總行,支持各位延續更精彩故事!
#滙豐 #滙豐銅獅 #香港故事 #一起延續故事 【The Story of the HSBC Lions Continues】...
Over the past 85 years, they’ve been through war, been to Osaka and hit by shrapnel. And now, the HSBC lions, Stephen and Stitt, return to guard our head office once more and to support all Hong Kong stories. This is just the beginning of their next chapter, as we continue to restore them. When the work is complete, they will look as impressive as ever.
Click below to learn about their stories.
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