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【滙豐One — 咪錯過姜濤開 LIVE,學識點樣告別投資A0!】   

【滙豐One — 咪錯過姜濤開 LIVE,學識點樣告別投資A0!】

邊個話一定要有豐厚嘅戀愛經驗先可以唱情歌💞?其實理財都一樣,就算未係專家, 都要學識點樣幫自己升級,向理想邁進🏃🏻! 不過…你好想開始,但係冇太多錢,冇人教路🤷🏻?... 有請最強告別投資A0大使—姜濤😍!投資路上0經驗嘅姜濤都揀咗滙豐One幫佢起步,趁早幫財富增值💯! 記得5月14號,準時晚上7:00上滙豐香港Facebook HSBC 或IG (@HSBC_HK) 睇「集合吧!告別投資A0」直播,同姜濤仲有其他星級投資新手一齊聽下專家嘅投資心得,齊齊告別投資A0🎉! 仲等?快啲開定滙豐One戶口,join埋姜濤趁年輕起步,告別投資A0🎉! 滙豐One詳情: 投資涉及風險。 #姜濤 #滙豐 #滙豐One #投資從滙豐One開始 #投資A0 #告別投資A0 【HSBC One — Watch our Live show to find out how Keung To says farewell to A0 wealth status. Don’t miss out!】
You don’t need to be in love to sing a love song 💞, but it will certainly help. Similarly, anyone can start investing, but those in the know will invest in a way that leads them to success 🏃🏻. If you are planning to get started, don’t worry about not having a lot of money or a clear idea 🤷🏻. Our Wealth A0 ambassador – Keung To 😍, is also partnering up with HSBC One to kick start his investment journey 💯! Stay tuned to HSBC’s Facebook HSBC and IG (@HSBC_HK) for Keung To’s livestream along with other young key opinion leaders on 14 May 7pm. Let time be your greatest advantage and join Keung To on his investment journey. Why wait? Join HSBC One now and say farewell to your A0 wealth status 🎉. HSBC One details: Investment involves risks.
Wealth A0 means a person with 0 investment experience. #KeungTo #HSBC #HSBCOne #StartInvestmentFromHSBCOne #WealthA0 #FarewellWealthA0 展开