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佢身處海外、有錢有才,仲天天令你覺得被愛🥰,有一日,佢急需你嘅幫助,於是你決定將金錢同敏感資料,都託付畀你嘅 白馬王子...... 等等先!佢真係王子,定只係騙子😱? 想精明拆解騙子嘅謊言,於網上認識對象時就要緊記:
🔍 仔細了解對方嘅背景同資料...
💡 為免墮入「社交工程」嘅圈套,避免在社交媒體分享太多個人資料
🙅🏻‍♀️ 切勿向從未見面嘅對象匯款及向任何人透露戶口密碼等個人敏感資料!
做齊以上小貼士,就可以減少畀人騙心又騙金嘅機會啦! 適逢5月6日係世界密碼日🔐,同滙豐一齊了解更多密碼安全嘅知識及網絡安全資訊: 【Prince Charming or scam coming?】
He lives overseas. He is rich and talented. He sweeps you off your feet without delay 🥰. Then one day, he tells you he needs your help pronto, so you decide to send him your money and sensitive information . . . Hold on! Is this guy your Mr. Right or just a scammer 😱? If you want to see through scammers’ lies, remember the tips below:
🔍 Scrutinise the people you meet online and do research on their background
💡 Don't overshare your personal details on social media to avoid social engineering attacks
🙅🏻‍♀️ Never send money to someone you’ve never met, and personal sensitive information like bank account passwords should always be for your eyes only.
With the tips above, you will reduce the chance of being swindled out of your hard-earned money by your "honey"! By the way, 6 May is World Password Day 🔐. You can learn more about password strength and cyber security with help from HSBC: 展开