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【免費網上講座:理財健康 Check Check 先,跨代齊FinFit】   

【免費網上講座:理財健康 Check Check 先,跨代齊FinFit】

滙豐聯同香港家庭福利會理財教育中心,同大家探討理財教育以及理財健康嘅重要性, 分享作為家長如何培養子女嘅正確理財價值觀,並為自己和父母退休計劃作好完善嘅規劃,跨代齊FinFit! 2021年3月31日(星期三) , 晚上8時半,歡迎大家到
收看*。 另外,為咗響應「香港理財月2021」,滙豐同家福會仲推出咗理財數碼「講」 網上有獎理財問答活動!活動目的就係鼓勵年輕人喺虛擬數碼世界裡提升理財管理知識素質同警覺性,迎接發展迅速同複雜多變嘅數碼理財環境。有關活動詳情,請瀏覽: *... 想了解自己嘅FinFit分數 📊 ?快啲上滙豐FinFit理財資訊平台做返個測試啦!了解更多: *按下此超連結前,請參閱本行使用條款及細則: #滙豐FinFit #全民FinFit #滙豐FinFit平台 #理財健康 #財務目標 #理財習慣 #理財知識 #理財計劃 #財務保安及安全 #滙豐香港 #家福會 #香港理財月2021 #投委會 #理財數碼講 【Free Online Seminar: Family Planning Series – Building a FinFit future】
Joining hands with HKFWS, HSBC is advocating the importance of financial education and FinFit by sharing with parents on how to instill the correct financial mindsets in their children, as well as planning for their own and parents’ retirement. Let’s check our FinFit level and build a FinFit generation! Please visit FB event page: and/or HKET event page: at 8:30pm, 31st March 2021 (Wednesday)*. In support of “Money Month 2021”, HSBC also sponsors HKFWS for organising the online quiz, aiming to raise the awareness among youngers on financial knowledge and wealth management and how to cope with the rapidly changing digital world and digital financing landscape. For more details about the activity, please visit: Take the HSBC FinFit test at and find out your FinFit score 📊 now! *Please refer to our Terms and Conditions at before you click on this link, HSBC assumes no liability or control on your use of this link. #HSBCFinFit #EveryonecanbeFinFit #HSBCFinFitplatform #FinancialFitness #FinancialGoals #FinancialHabits #FinancialKnowledge #FinancialPlanning #FinancialSecuritySafety #HSBCHK #HKFWS #MoneyMonth2021 #HKIFEC 展开