2019春夏【LEISURE 系列】洋溢自由的加州氣息。採用於四、五月綻開的虞美人🌺(POPPY)注入服裝主題、並運用清新脫俗的水彩手法演繹優雅圖案,配合橙紅色、紅色、綠色和石磨藍色等亮麗色調,令服飾完美表現春夏優雅活力。 【LEISURE Collection】of SS19 shows the carefree lifestyle of California. Inspired by the 🌺“poppies” blooms in April/May, the collection reinterprets the exquisite flower with refined watercolours and vibrant hues of sun, red, green and denim, giving various energetic looks a touch of elegance. festivalwalk
2019春夏【LEISURE 系列】洋溢自由的加州氣息。採用於四、五月綻開的虞美人🌺(POPPY)注入服裝主題、並運用清新脫俗的水彩手法演繹優雅圖案,配合橙紅色、紅色、綠色和石磨藍色等亮麗色調,令服飾完美表現春夏優雅活力。 【LEISURE Collection】of SS19 shows the carefree lifestyle of California. Inspired by the 🌺“poppies” blooms in April/May, the collection reinterprets the exquisite flower with refined watercolours and vibrant hues of sun, red, green and denim, giving various energetic looks a touch of elegance. festivalwalk