TenRen's Tea
Spring is in the air at Ten Ren's. There’s nothing like the first few rays of sunshine and colour to tease that spring is on its way! Craving fresh fruit? Nothing says it better than citrus! We're adding a delightful ray of sunshine to your day with new additions to our Fresh Fruit Series. Introducing Orangelicious and Paradise Lime!...
Spring is in the air at Ten Ren's. There’s nothing like the first few rays of sunshine and colour to tease that spring is on its way! Craving fresh fruit? Nothing says it better than citrus! We're adding a delightful ray of sunshine to your day with new additions to our Fresh Fruit Series. Introducing Orangelicious and Paradise Lime!...
Joyce Beauty
【Meet the Beauty Guru at JOYCE Beauty】 Dr. Barbara appeared at JOYCE Beauty Central flagship to meet our VIPs last night! Stay tuned for more news from this beauty guru! ... 【美容大師親臨JOYCE Beauty】 昨晚Dr. Barbara現身JOYCE Beauty中環旗艦店,跟一眾VIP見面,大談護膚心得!想知道這位大師的美肌秘訣?請繼續密切留意我們的社交平台! #JOYCEBeauty #JOYCEGrooming #SturmGLOW #TeamSTURM #miniSTURM #drbarbarasturm #drsturmsays #beauty #women #beautycare #products #selflove #skincare
【Meet the Beauty Guru at JOYCE Beauty】 Dr. Barbara appeared at JOYCE Beauty Central flagship to meet our VIPs last night! Stay tuned for more news from this beauty guru! ... 【美容大師親臨JOYCE Beauty】 昨晚Dr. Barbara現身JOYCE Beauty中環旗艦店,跟一眾VIP見面,大談護膚心得!想知道這位大師的美肌秘訣?請繼續密切留意我們的社交平台! #JOYCEBeauty #JOYCEGrooming #SturmGLOW #TeamSTURM #miniSTURM #drbarbarasturm #drsturmsays #beauty #women #beautycare #products #selflove #skincare
Pepper Lunch
【💪DSE 同學仔必睇!📝 Pepper Lunch 減壓小貼士🤗】 DSE 進行得如火如荼🔥,相信各位考生而加都爆seed 溫書,就等小編介紹一下有咩開心食物,可以幫大家減減壓 👍 首先,三文魚內含有奧米加-3脂肪酸,幫到大家調節情緒, 保持心情愉快!第二,就係意粉喇,內有複合碳水化合物,不但為身體提供滿滿嘅能量,亦有製造安多酚嘅豐富蛋白質,有助產生愉快感覺。最後就係水果,既可維持血糖水平,又可以減壓,一舉兩得!而 Pepper Lunch 嘅卡邦拿三文魚拼海蝦意大利麵🍝,仲有滋味水果杯🍎, 有齊哂以上所講嘅減壓 食物,實在係考試必備😌... 快啲Tag埋 DSE考生既同學仔,介紹佢一齊黎食個飯放鬆下自己啦!如果有其他減壓食物既好介紹,不妨可以係下面留言講下,齊齊為考生們集氣啦💪
【💪DSE 同學仔必睇!📝 Pepper Lunch 減壓小貼士🤗】 DSE 進行得如火如荼🔥,相信各位考生而加都爆seed 溫書,就等小編介紹一下有咩開心食物,可以幫大家減減壓 👍 首先,三文魚內含有奧米加-3脂肪酸,幫到大家調節情緒, 保持心情愉快!第二,就係意粉喇,內有複合碳水化合物,不但為身體提供滿滿嘅能量,亦有製造安多酚嘅豐富蛋白質,有助產生愉快感覺。最後就係水果,既可維持血糖水平,又可以減壓,一舉兩得!而 Pepper Lunch 嘅卡邦拿三文魚拼海蝦意大利麵🍝,仲有滋味水果杯🍎, 有齊哂以上所講嘅減壓 食物,實在係考試必備😌... 快啲Tag埋 DSE考生既同學仔,介紹佢一齊黎食個飯放鬆下自己啦!如果有其他減壓食物既好介紹,不妨可以係下面留言講下,齊齊為考生們集氣啦💪