Rigby & Peller
女士們,夏天又到了!無論是到沙灘、參加水上活動或出外旅遊都需要合身的服裝及保持最佳體態,盡情享受夏日帶來的樂趣。 為慶祝夏季的來臨,Rigby & Peller 舉行 “Extravagant Summer”2019春夏泳衣及內衣派對,將銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店的Pavilion打造成一個小夏威夷,模特兒更示範多款今季最流行的泳衣款式,為大家帶來一點夏日渡假的靈感。 Ladies, the long await summer is here, are you ready for the beach and poolside parties? Whether you are on the beach, going for your favourite water sports activities, yachting or traveling to your favourite hide out places, you will need a piece or two swimwear handy
女士們,夏天又到了!無論是到沙灘、參加水上活動或出外旅遊都需要合身的服裝及保持最佳體態,盡情享受夏日帶來的樂趣。 為慶祝夏季的來臨,Rigby & Peller 舉行 “Extravagant Summer”2019春夏泳衣及內衣派對,將銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店的Pavilion打造成一個小夏威夷,模特兒更示範多款今季最流行的泳衣款式,為大家帶來一點夏日渡假的靈感。 Ladies, the long await summer is here, are you ready for the beach and poolside parties? Whether you are on the beach, going for your favourite water sports activities, yachting or traveling to your favourite hide out places, you will need a piece or two swimwear handy
梅雨季節細雨紛飛,時晴🌞時雨🌨,披上天藍、橙、深藍、紫丁香和粉紅等的ASHWORTH羽量防水外套,成就巧妙呼應的青春情侶造型💏。 Get the #ASHWORTH featherweight waterproof jackets for the rainy🌨 and sunny🌞 days, highlighted by the bright hues of sky blue, orange, royal blue, lilac and pink, it creates perfectly matching youthful looks for couples💏. festivalwalk
梅雨季節細雨紛飛,時晴🌞時雨🌨,披上天藍、橙、深藍、紫丁香和粉紅等的ASHWORTH羽量防水外套,成就巧妙呼應的青春情侶造型💏。 Get the #ASHWORTH featherweight waterproof jackets for the rainy🌨 and sunny🌞 days, highlighted by the bright hues of sky blue, orange, royal blue, lilac and pink, it creates perfectly matching youthful looks for couples💏. festivalwalk