【滙豐FinFit 101:兒童理財課 ‧ 教小朋友「需要」同「想要」】
「媽咪,我想買呢個公仔!」 「爹哋,我想要果個新玩具!」各位爸爸媽媽係咪好有共鳴?明明前幾日先買完,今日又有嘢想要?每次買都唔係辦法,教識小朋友「需要」同「想要」嘅概念先係上策: 「需要」:日常生活所需,如果無咗呢啲嘢,就會為生活帶嚟唔方便,例如食物、電力、互聯網。
「想要」:可有可無嘅消費,就算無咗對日常生活都無乜大影響,例如玩具、遊戲機、零食。... 理論不如實踐:同小朋友一齊寫一個「想要與需要」嘅清單,等小朋友清楚知道兩個概念,對以後佢哋日後理財用錢有好大幫助。作為家長嘅理財夥伴,滙豐明白你對培養子女理財嘅需要,開立兒童儲蓄戶口有助養成良好儲蓄習慣,為未來獨立理財踏出第一步,立即Click去了解更多:
#滙豐香港 #FinFit101 #兒童理財課 【HSBC FinFit 101: Financial Education For Children - Needs vs. Wants】
‘Mum, I want this doll!’ ‘Dad, I want that new toy!’
Sound familiar? Instead of giving your children what they want every time, try helping them differentiate needs from wants.
Needs: Day-to-day necessities such as electricity, food and internet. Without these, your everyday life will become far more difficult and inconvenient.
Wants: Unnecessary expenses, such as robots, video games and snacks. Without these, but your everyday life is not going to be significantly impacted. Let’s put it into play! Together with your children, write down a list of needs and a list of wants. As the financial partner for many parents, HSBC understands the importance of financial education for children. A Children Savings Account helps your children develop good saving habits, empowering them to make smarter financial decisions in the future. Learn more here: #HSBCHK #FinancialEducationForChildren 展开
「媽咪,我想買呢個公仔!」 「爹哋,我想要果個新玩具!」各位爸爸媽媽係咪好有共鳴?明明前幾日先買完,今日又有嘢想要?每次買都唔係辦法,教識小朋友「需要」同「想要」嘅概念先係上策: 「需要」:日常生活所需,如果無咗呢啲嘢,就會為生活帶嚟唔方便,例如食物、電力、互聯網。
「想要」:可有可無嘅消費,就算無咗對日常生活都無乜大影響,例如玩具、遊戲機、零食。... 理論不如實踐:同小朋友一齊寫一個「想要與需要」嘅清單,等小朋友清楚知道兩個概念,對以後佢哋日後理財用錢有好大幫助。作為家長嘅理財夥伴,滙豐明白你對培養子女理財嘅需要,開立兒童儲蓄戶口有助養成良好儲蓄習慣,為未來獨立理財踏出第一步,立即Click去了解更多:
#滙豐香港 #FinFit101 #兒童理財課 【HSBC FinFit 101: Financial Education For Children - Needs vs. Wants】
‘Mum, I want this doll!’ ‘Dad, I want that new toy!’
Sound familiar? Instead of giving your children what they want every time, try helping them differentiate needs from wants.
Needs: Day-to-day necessities such as electricity, food and internet. Without these, your everyday life will become far more difficult and inconvenient.
Wants: Unnecessary expenses, such as robots, video games and snacks. Without these, but your everyday life is not going to be significantly impacted. Let’s put it into play! Together with your children, write down a list of needs and a list of wants. As the financial partner for many parents, HSBC understands the importance of financial education for children. A Children Savings Account helps your children develop good saving habits, empowering them to make smarter financial decisions in the future. Learn more here: #HSBCHK #FinancialEducationForChildren 展开