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【滙豐FinFit 101 - 慎防電郵騙案 🎣 3招即知真偽】 返工眼瞓可能會「釣魚」,但係開E-mail就要小心唔好畀人「釣魚」!   

【滙豐FinFit 101 - 慎防電郵騙案 🎣 3招即知真偽】 返工眼瞓可能會「釣魚」,但係開E-mail就要小心唔好畀人「釣魚」!雖然「釣魚騙案」(Phishing)已經出現多年,但係騙徒嘅手法日新月異,所以時刻都要留意以下3個要點,學識分辨電郵騙案: 📧 先判斷寄件人的電郵地址,是否與報稱發出電郵的公司名稱一樣...

📧 對於陌生、可疑嘅電郵,千祈唔好點擊或複製內文任何連結,或下載任何附件
📧滙豐所發出嘅電郵唔會要求你提供信用卡號碼、賬號密碼,或者要求轉賬等異常行動 如果收到疑似以滙豐名義進行嘅「釣魚」騙案,或冒認滙豐嘅電郵,請致電2233 3000向我地嘅客戶服務團隊舉報。 #滙豐 #滙豐FinFit101 #釣魚騙案 #識得睇其實好易分 #騙徒無從入手 #理財安全唔使愁 【HSBC FinFit 101 - Avoid Phishing Scams🎣3 Tips to Uncover them】 Phishing scams can have great consequences for those who are not aware of it. Although it has been around for a while, scammers have managed to make phishing look so more sophisticated and legitimate nowadays. Check out these 3 tips and learn how to identify these scams: 📧 Check whether the sender’s email address matches the name of the company that it claims to be from
📧 Avoid clicking or copying any hyperlinks and downloading any files from the suspicious Emails
📧 Beware of emails from banks that ask you to provide any personal particulars like credit card numbers or passwords, or ask you to make unusual transactions; HSBC will never approach you in such a way. Don’t hesitate to call our hotline 2233 3000 and report to our customer service officers any suspicious phishing emails purporting to be from HSBC. #HSBC #HSBCFinFit101 #Phishing #BeAwareofModernConman #StaySharptoSuspiciousEmails #StayAwayFromModernFraudery 展开