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【滙豐FinFit 101 – 👨🏻‍🏫🏫 小心可疑網購平台】   

【滙豐FinFit 101 – 👨🏻‍🏫🏫 小心可疑網購平台】

「2盒Thx!」網購落單唔好咁急住!非常時期特別多混水摸魚嘅不法分子,加上依家網上充斥好多可疑網站同埋個人代購社交平台,唔想你落嘅單無咗影,資料俾人知得一清二楚?注意以下幾點,保障個人私隱安全! 💡核實網站同埋個人代購平台嘅真確性,特別係社交平台轉載嘅賣家
💡盡量瀏覽網址前面有安全鎖同 💡時刻睇清楚私隱及安全條款,避免個人及信用卡資料外洩
#滙豐 #滙豐FinFit101 #保持警惕 #小心被追蹤 #留意可疑網購平台 #停一停睇清楚先 #做個精明消費者 #2盒thx 【HSBC FinFit101: 👨🏻‍🏫🏫 Beware of suspicious online sellers!】
“2 boxes thx!” Don’t be in such a rush to order online, since there are so many untrustworthy websites and personal sellers out there! If you don’t want your money to disappear and your data stolen, here are a few reminders to safeguard your privacy: 💡Verify whether the websites or individual sellers are legitimate merchants, especially those being shared on social media
💡Choose websites that are secure (with padlock) indicating HTTPS protocol
💡Take time to read the privacy notices and T&Cs, especially for sellers who will save your personal and credit card information, to keep your data safe
💡Check your bank records regularly to make sure no unauthorised transactions are made
Take extra care and stay secure when shopping online!
#HSBC #HSBCFinFit101 #StayAlert #BewareofSpyware #CautiontoSuspiciousSellers #CheckitFirst #BeASmartConsumer #2boxesthanks 展开