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【滙豐健康滙報 – 杜絕浴室細菌】   

【滙豐健康滙報 – 杜絕浴室細菌】

唔想畀細菌留喺身邊,一於跟住以下三個方法杜絕浴室細菌啦! 💡要勤清洗廁所
每日要用1:99稀釋家用漂白水清潔馬桶、洗手盆之外,仲要用70%消毒火酒清潔水龍頭、花灑等金屬面物品,再以清水沖洗。... 💡定期注水入排水口
記得每星期將半公升清水倒入排水口,並將一茶匙1:99稀釋家用漂白水灌入排水口及噴上適量殺蟲水,防止昆蟲同臭氣入屋。 💡保持浴室空氣流通
廁所咁潮濕,加上空氣唔流通,好易令細菌滋生。建議經常打開抽氣扇,令新鮮空氣流通。 想了解更多健康資訊,即刻click入👇🏼
👉🏼 #滙豐 #健康滙報 #齊心抗疫 #點解廁所咁多菌 #潮濕容易多細菌 #去去細菌走 #注意通風 【HSBC Health Post – Uproot Bathroom Bacteria】
To ensure you stay away from germs and dirt, here are three essential hygiene methods to uproot bathroom bacteria! 💡Clean the bathroom
Clean your toilet and sink with 1:99 diluted household bleach daily and use disinfectant with 70% alcohol to clean water taps, shower heads and other metal-plated household items. After that, rinse them all with clean water. 💡Pour water to the drain outlets
Don’t forget to pour half a liter of water and one spoonful of 1:99 diluted household bleach into each drain outlet once a week. You can also apply some pesticides to prevent pests and foul odours from coming out from the drains. 💡Keep your bathroom well ventilated
Places with stagnant air flow and high humidity are birthplaces of germs! Always turn on the bathroom vent fan to exhaust indoor air. Want to learn more health tips? Check out now👇🏼
👉🏼 #HSBC #HealthPost #CombatGerms #WhoBreedstheBathroomGerms #HumidityDoesIt #BacteriaBegonefromMySight #KeepVentilated 參考資料 Source Reference: 衞生署 Department of Health 展开