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【 HSBC 哲學教室- 人生篇】   

【 HSBC 哲學教室- 人生篇】

「 未經審視的人生是不值得活的 。」── 蘇格拉底 與其人云亦云,隨波逐流,人生當然需要經過反省,先知自己想要乜,點樣過一個屬於自己嘅人生。... 人人嘅人生意義都唔同,財務習慣亦唔同,要分辨到底係你本人將大筆金額轉走定係俾人入侵戶口,銀行需要你嘅合作提供有關資料,清楚了解你嘅戶口動向!
了解更多: 【 HSBC’s philosophy classroom - Life】
“Perseverance is overrated. Just chill out and go with the flow…”
To that, Socrates would say: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Rather than drifting with the tide, it’s important for us to reflect upon ourselves and seek for a life that truly belongs to us. Everyone believes in a different meaning of life and subsequently, we all have different financial habits. In order to distinguish between your true identity and any hacker trying to access your accounts, and to better understand your account activities, the bank needs your cooperation in providing relevant personal information!
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