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阿里巴巴創業者基金/滙豐JUMPSTARTER 2020創業比賽已成功在全球多個城市完成初賽。繼最近舉行的三藩市和多倫多初賽後,今屆環球創業盛典的第六場初賽亦於10月31日在香港圓滿結束。作為 JUMPSTARTER 2020創業比賽的冠名贊助商,滙豐協助全球傑出初創企業家啟動夢想。請密切留意明年的決賽,與我們一同見證初創企業家們如何運用創新思維和技術,令世界變得更美好! #阿里巴巴創業者基金 #滙豐 #JUMPSTARTER... 【JUMPSTARTER 2020】
Hong Kong hosted the sixth pitch competition of Alibaba Entrepreneur Fund / HSBC JUMPSTARTER 2020 on 31st October, following highly successful stops around the globe, including most recently in San Francisco and Toronto. As the title sponsor of JUMPSTARTER 2020, HSBC is proud to support entrepreneurs around the world to jump-start their dreams. Stay tuned for grand finale next year and join us to witness how entrepreneurs use innovative ideas and technology to make the world a better place. #Alibaba #HSBC #entrepreneur 展开