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【滙豐保險 – LIFE Talk X LIFE 之道場】   

【滙豐保險 – LIFE Talk X LIFE 之道場】

惠英紅:「當初以為老人痴呆只係老人家嘅專利,點知原來唔係!」。想知道點樣可以評估患認知障礙嘅風險? 入去「LIFE之道場」邊學邊玩遊戲,逢星期四晚9:30pm開始,每一輪遊戲都會有唔同問題等你挑戰!遊戲簡單,仲有機會贏得高達港幣$1,150禮品!快D去挑戰喇!
#HSBCLife #LIFEDojo #LIFE之道場 #滙豐保險... 受條款及細則約束
由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(註冊成立於百慕達之有限公司)刊發。 【HSBC Life – LIFE Talk X LIFE Dojo】
“I used to think dementia only happened to the elderly, but I was wrong!” – Kara Wai, Actress. Want to know how you can assess the risks of dementia? Enter “Life Dojo”, where you can learn and have fun at the same time! Get ready to take on our weekly challenge every Thursday night at 9:30pm. The rules are simple. Answer our questions for a chance to win up to HKD $1,150 worth of gifts!
Terms and conditions apply.
Issued by HSBC Life (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability). 展开