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【HSBC 哲學教室-愛情篇💓】   

【HSBC 哲學教室-愛情篇💓】

你可以咁答:「我絕對有唔完全理解你嘅理由!」 現代法國哲學家列維那認為,我與他者之間有一道鴻溝,他者一直抵抗著我,不容我知曉,不容我佔有。從性質、功能就足夠理解物件,但人就唔同:人類有第一身嘅感受、諗法,所以你絕對有唔完全理解BB嘅理由!🤔... 🏦但銀行唔理解你隨時會影響整個金融體系,所以除咗定時向BB報告行蹤之外,仲要向銀行定期更新個人資料,令銀行可以確認你嘅身份,防止金融罪案!
了解更多👉 【HSBC’s philosophy classroom-Relationships💓】
Has he or she ever complained about you not “getting” them? 😓Well guess what? You have every right not to understand them! Modern French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas believes that there’s an imperceptible gap between people. We can fully comprehend an object based on its nature and its functions, but humans are a different story. Human beings have personal thoughts and feelings, making them much more difficult to be understood!🤔 🏦With that said, the bank’s understanding of you is vital in the maintenance of the entire financial system. Besides updating your other half on your whereabouts, be sure to also update your bank on your personal information regularly, enabling us to verify your identity and prevent financial crime!
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