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捕獲於三陸海岸的沙甸魚含有豐富的皮下脂肪,肥美鮮甜,是炙燒的完美食材。先灑上細緻鹽粒燒香,加上蔥花薑末,置於清爽微酸的壽司飯上,中和油香,令每一口都充滿沙甸獨有的鮮香旨味。 $28/件... 網上訂購現已登陸千両: 外送服務:
選擇1 : 選擇2 : 選擇3 : [Shokunin Sushi: Seared Sardine]
Sardines which are full of fat are caught in Sanriku Coast. They taste sweet and best served as seared sushi. Topped with salt while searing and add green onion and minced ginger is perfectly matched with slightly sour sushi rice. This sushi is undoubtedly giving you the uniqueness of flavour of sardines. $28/pc Online ordering is now on sen-ryo: Delivery Service:
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