又一城 >   千両     >



來自三重縣的石斑魚,鮮紅外表下的嫩滑白身,富膠質而充滿彈性,口感鮮甜厚實。在白肉紋理之間,置上一點赤紅日式練梅醬,微咸中帶清新酸味,散發淡淡紫蘇清香,一貫色香鮮味突出的壽司,就此完美。 $28/件... 網上訂購現已登陸千両: 外送服務:
選擇1 : 選擇2 : 選擇3 : [Shokunin Sushi: Seven-banded Grouper with Japanese Plum Paste]
The seven-banded grouper has a bright red appearance but the meat is in white. It comes from Mie Prefecture. As it is full of collagen, the texture is so springy. With the sweet taste and topped with the salty yet sour Japanese plum paste with a slight shiso flavour, this delicate sushi brings us a perfect and extraordinary taste. $28/pc Online ordering is now on sen-ryo: Delivery Service:
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