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位於魚頸及魚身之間的魚腩,是吞拿魚最為肥美的部份,人稱「大拖羅」的大吞拿魚腩,更是其中極品,肥美無筋,入口即溶。置於清新壽司飯上,佐以鮮爽三文魚籽及鹽麴,層次風味倍增,令人沉醉的滿足感,從口入心。 售價$58 (1件)... [Shokunin Sushi: Prime Fatty Tuna with Salt Rice Malt Minced Tuna]
Prime Fatty Tuna, also known as "Toro" is the fattest part of tuna and it locates in between the neck and body of the fish. With the luscious texture, prime fatty tuna will melt smoothly. The combination of the tuna, rice, salmon roe and rice malt presents a layered and harmonious satisfaction. Price: $58 (1pc) 展开