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池魚,又名真鰺,是盛產於東京灣至九州一帶的高級魚鮮,肉質兼備爽口與脂香。表面以細膩刀工切割,經秘製醬汁醃製的池魚,獨特口感更為突出,以傳統手法佐上薑蔥,配合脂香,鮮味、滋味更具層次。 售價$28 (1件)... [Shokunin Sushi: Horse Mackerel]
Horse Mackerel is founded mainly from Tokyo Bay to Kyushu, with a crunchy and sharp texture. Shokunin cut the horse mackerel in a special cross pattern. Enhanced the freshness by marinating with a special sauce, the sushi is served in a traditional way with ginger and onions and made this combination to have plentiful layers of flavour. Price: $28 (1pc) 展开