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將來自長崎的伊佐木刺身厚切,置於以岐阜古醋製作的壽司飯上,軟腍肥美的魚身,與清甜綿糯的米飯完美結合,分別佐以紫蘇啫喱及梅蜜,一口清香,一口酸甜,帶出初夏當造伊佐木的兩種新鮮感覺。 [Summer Special: Isaki Sushi 2 Types (Shiso Jelly/Plum Honey)]
Premium Isaki from Nagasaki on top of rice prepared with Gifu-vinegar can make an excellent duo, merging the succulent fish taste and sweetness of rice together. And two options of touch-ups, shiso jelly and plum honey, each delivers a different kind of freshness.