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[ ENOTECA Monthly Selection ]

[ La Spinetta Il Nero de Casanova 特價$299 ]
[ 低至七折 up to 30%off ]
[ 全線店舖有售 ]... 一起飲杯精彩又美味的葡萄酒,為一週的新開始打打氣!Cheers! 在Piedmont打響名堂後,La Spinetta將腳步踏向中部的陽光之地托斯卡納。Rivetti家族運用了他們在Piedmont釀酒的經驗與智慧,釀造擁有La Spinetta現代風格的托斯卡納葡萄酒,呈現了現代派大師手下Sangiovese的迷人魅力,重新演繹托斯卡納的優秀風土。 為您準備Casanova della Spinetta的Il Nero di Casanova 2016,於全線店舖皆有發售。 "With fruit from young vines, the Casanova della Spinetta 2016 Sangiovese Il Nero di Casanova opens to an inky appearance with dark garnet and sepia hues. Roto-fermenters are used to extract extra color and fruit intensity, and you most certainly feel the results here in this dark, muscular and brooding interpretation. The wine is aged in large botte, and the oak tones are not too intrusive. However, the fruit remains richly concentrated and dense with blackberry, dried cherry, spice, smoke, scorched earth and tarry asphalt" Monica Larner, Wine Advocate
Casanova della Spinetta Il Nero di Casanova 2016 展开