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[ ENOTECA Monthly Selection ]

[ Lanson Le Vintage 2009 特價 $520 ]
[ 低至七折 up to 30%off ]
[ 全線店舖有售 ]... 周未來臨,讓我們與家人好友共聚,一起飲杯精彩又美味的葡萄酒。Cheers! 為慶祝第二百六十週年紀念,Lanson特意換上新裝,此款年份香檳直接命名為Le Vintage,換上黑色酒標,象徵Lanson不變的經典風格。全數以Premier Cru及Grand Cru級的收成釀造,特長的浸渣培養時間,讓香檳在十年時間裏孕育出細緻酵母與陳年風味,2009年風格花香細緻,是不可多得的年份香檳。 為您準備Champagne Lanson Le Vintage Brut 2009,於全線店舖皆有發售。 "This intensely aromatic wine shows aromas of citrus and white This intensely aromatic wine shows aromas of citrus and white peaches. On the palate, it is full, fat and clean, finishing with mineral notes and peaches. On the palate, it is full, fat and clean, finishing with mineral notes and lovely length. lovely length."
RP 93, William Kelly, The Wine Advocate Lanson Le Vintage Brut 2009
HK$520 展开