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[ ENOTECA Weekend Free Tasting ]   

[ ENOTECA Weekend Free Tasting ]

[ Las Viñas Bastardas $200 ]
[ April 3 - 5 周五至周日 Available at all Shops ] 復活節來臨,又有甚麼比飲杯精彩美味的葡萄酒更好?... 特意準備挑選Casa Rojo用位於Jumilla邊界的老藤葡萄園,以古園混調的方式將這些不過相隔數米,卻無法列入法定產區的Monastrell、Cabernet Sauvignon和Tempranillo葡萄,釀成Las Viñas Bastardas-「拋棄遺落的葡萄園」特釀。 於全線分店皆可品嚐,我們在ENOTECA等待您的來臨。 "When the “Denomination of origin” certification arrived, delimiting geographically those plots that were in and those that were off, following municipal frontiers and leaving many of those amazing vineyards with no certification, no origin, sometimes for a few kilometers, sometimes for meters. Casa Rojo selected and harvested those vineyards close to our winery, at the limit of the DO." Casa Rojo Las Viñas Bastardas 2017
HK$200 展开