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[ ENOTECA Monthly Selection ]   

[ ENOTECA Monthly Selection ]

[ Sancerre Le Vallon 2017 特價 $255 ]
[ 全線店舖有售 ] [ 低至七折 up to 30%off ] 周未來臨,讓我們與家人好友共聚,一起飲杯精彩又美味的葡萄酒。Cheers!... Domaine de Terres Blanche是Loire Valley當中的新興酒莊,釀酒風格通透純淨,亦保留了Sancerre與Pouilly-Fumé獨有的青草與煙石氣息。此款Le Vallon是以同名單一園的收成釀造,於不鏽鋼酒缸內浸渣八個月培養複雜香氣與口感,酸度俐落清新,是充滿現代感的Sancerre白酒。 為您準備Domaine de Terres Blances Sancerre Le Vallon 2017,於全線店舖皆有發售。 "This intensely aromatic wine shows aromas of citrus and white This intensely aromatic wine shows aromas of citrus and white peaches. On the palate, it is full, fat and clean, finishing with mineral notes and peaches. On the palate, it is full, fat and clean, finishing with mineral notes and lovely length. lovely length." Domaine de Terres Blances Sancerre Le Vallon 2017 展开