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【Nespresso 與您為中秋添上香濃咖啡情懷】 中秋賞月,少不了吃月餅應節!不同口味的月餅配上咖啡一起品嚐,不但有助解膩,更能碰撞出獨特香醇口感。   

【Nespresso 與您為中秋添上香濃咖啡情懷】 中秋賞月,少不了吃月餅應節!不同口味的月餅配上咖啡一起品嚐,不但有助解膩,更能碰撞出獨特香醇口感。例如傳統的蛋黃蓮蓉月餅,最適合配上黑咖啡,一除甜膩!甜中帶咸的奶黃月餅配搭綿密幼滑的奶咖啡,更能提升奶黃的醇香;而冰皮月餅口感清淡,配以滿載果香的 Long Black Over Ice 來調製的凍咖啡,則可襯托出月餅的清甜。今個佳節,親自沖調香濃的 Nespresso 咖啡,與摯愛共度團圓時刻! 探索Nespresso咖啡: ... [How to pair coffee with mooncakes] Mid-Autumn festival wouldn’t be complete without mooncakes, but how often have you enjoyed them together with coffees? Pairing with the right coffee can truly complement different mooncake flavors, and even eliminates the greasy taste. For example, the traditional egg yolk lotus mooncake is best suited to black coffee. Light and smooth milk coffee helps enhance the mellow flavors of sweet and salty egg custard mooncakes. Snowy mooncakes, with a lighter taste, are kicked up a notch with an iced coffee, brewed with the fruity Long Black Over Ice. As you sit back to enjoy the full moon with loved ones, which pairing will you try? Explore Nespresso coffees: #NespressoHK #WhatElse #NespressoOverIce #MidAutumnFestival #HappyMooncakeDay 展开