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【 咖啡、鮮奶 Mix & Match,您又知幾多?】 想成為家中專業的咖啡師,當然要對咖啡種類瞭如指掌!「鮮奶咖啡」,顧名思義就是咖啡配搭鮮奶。   

【 咖啡、鮮奶 Mix & Match,您又知幾多?】 想成為家中專業的咖啡師,當然要對咖啡種類瞭如指掌!「鮮奶咖啡」,顧名思義就是咖啡配搭鮮奶。但不同咖啡種類如Cappuccino、Latté、Flat White及 Macchiato 又有甚麼分別呢?答案就在於咖啡、鮮奶與奶泡的比例!根據圖中比例,您最鍾愛的鮮奶咖啡又會是哪一款呢? 立即以全新「匠心之作」系列製作您的完美鮮奶咖啡: [How much do you know about the mix-and-match of coffee and milk?] To become a professional barista at home, it’s always useful to know the art of creating the perfect milk coffee. Did you know the difference between a Cappuccino, Latté, Flat White and Macchiato is all about the ratio between coffee, milk and milk foam? Which coffee is your favourite? Create your perfect milk coffee now with the new Barista Creations coffee range: #NespressoHK #WhatElse #BaristaCreations #MilkCoffee 展开