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【 咖啡與鮮奶的動人邂逅,為您帶來細膩綿滑的享受 】 您有否想過安坐家中,仍可品嚐到細膩綿滑的鮮奶咖啡?   

【 咖啡與鮮奶的動人邂逅,為您帶來細膩綿滑的享受 】 您有否想過安坐家中,仍可品嚐到細膩綿滑的鮮奶咖啡?Nespresso 團隊經過品嚐 18 個不同咖啡產地的組合,再試驗 20,000 杯 Cappuccino 後,成功為鮮奶咖啡愛好者研發專為配搭鮮奶而設的全新「匠心之作」Barista Creations 咖啡系列。三款咖啡口味 CHIARO、 SCURO及 CORTO 分別源於紐約布魯克林、西班牙及澳洲墨爾本咖啡師的靈感,強度由溫和到濃烈,與鮮奶調和後,口感更細緻且層次豐富,讓您無時無刻都能於家中輕鬆調製 Cappuccino、Latte 及各式鮮奶或植物奶咖啡食譜。 立即探索: ... [Designing the perfect alchemy, experience the smooth encounter between coffee and milk] Having explored 18 different coffee origins and tested 20,000 cappuccinos, the Nespresso team developed the new Barista Creations coffee range, crafted especially for lovers of milk coffee. The three blends, CHIARO, SCURO and CORTO, are inspired by baristas in Brooklyn, Melbourne, and Spain — ranging from mild and sweet, to strong and rich. Blend each coffee flavour with milk and create an unforgettable Cappuccino, Latté, or any other milk coffee experience in the comfort of your home. Explore now: #NespressoHK #WhatElse See more