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先前教大家用英國出產的優質single cream做香濃的千層麵,今次則談談double cream(厚忌廉)。厚忌廉擁有較高的乳脂含量(48%以上),所以輕易打發,適合製作各種甜品,帶來豐厚口感😋它在香港並不常見,但只要來到M&S,你就能買到這種香濃忌廉;一嚐不少人都愛吃的Panna Cotta(奶凍),享受厚忌廉給你的豐盈口感,一試傾心,唯M&S英國馬莎獨有! 💕 ✨Panna Cotta(奶凍)做法:
1. 魚膠片泡水10分鐘 ...
2. 椰奶、厚忌廉、糖、檸檬皮、雲呢拿籽連豆莢放入平底鍋,煮滾後離火,加入擠乾的魚膠片拌勻,放涼後過篩
3. 在模具或玻璃杯中掃上少許蔬菜油,倒入忌廉混合物,冷藏5小時
4. 上碟前先將模具輕沾熱水再倒轉,或直接使用玻璃杯
5. 食用前可加入熱情果、紅桑子及輕烤過的椰子片 緊貼M&S最新資訊,記得follow我們的Instagram: 【This is not just Double Cream, this is M&S Double Cream】
What makes double cream everybody’s favourite? Has more than 48% fat, making it perfect for whipping and making desserts, like Panna Cotta.😋 If you’ve been looking all over Hong Kong for this cream, come to us and enjoy the creamy goodness of double cream, only from M&S! 💕 ✨Panna Cotta recipe:
1. Soak gelatine leaves for 10 minutes
2. Heat coconut milk, double cream, sugar, lemon peel and vanilla pods until boil. Turn the heat off and add in gelatine leaves.
3. Wait till cool then strain into pouring jug.
4. Grease dariole moulds or water glasses with a little vegetable oil, then fill each with the mixture. Cover and chill for 5 hours.
5. To serve, dip the moulds quickly in boiling water to help turn out the panna cottas. Alternatively, serve in the glass. Top with a handful of raspberries and a few lightly toasted coconut flakes. Follow our Instagram for the latest info from M&S: #Cream #Food #Recipe #DoubleCream #ThisIsNotJust #唯MandS英國馬莎獨有 展开