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很多人做甜點時,都會用到忌廉,但其實忌廉也有single與double之分。在英國,single cream(淡忌廉) 即乳脂含量低(低於18%)的忌廉,它們不能打發,但只要拌入菜式中,就可以帶來香醇的奶香、幼滑的口感🤤。今天先教大家用它來做一道美味鹹食:雜菌百里香千層麵,為你帶來淡忌廉的滋味秘密,唯M&S英國馬莎獨有! ✨雜菌百里香千層麵做法:
1. 把各種材料切片或切碎,牛肝菌泡熱水後,放入平底鍋煨熟至收汁 ...
2. 雜菌炒至金黃色,與紅蔥頭、蒜頭、百里香、白酒同炒
3. 以牛油、麵粉、牛奶、淡忌廉和芝士烹煮醬汁,一半與雜菌拌勻
4. 把1/3雜菌舀進盤子,放一塊千層麵,重複3次動作
5. 最後把剩餘醬汁倒進盤子中,放上芝士和百里香,以黑椒調味,放入焗爐烤25至30分鐘 緊貼M&S最新資訊,記得follow我們的Instagram: 【This is not just Single Cream, this is M&S Single Cream】
Cream is a common ingredient in desserts, but do you know the difference between single and double cream? In the UK, single cream means it has less than 18% fat and it's usually used for cooking to add an extra layer of creaminess to the dish.🤤 Here's an easy recipe you can try tonight. Enjoy the delicious secret of single cream, only from M&S! ✨Creamy Mushroom and Thyme Lasagne recipe:
1. Prepare ingredients and soak mushrooms in hot water. Add to hot pan and cook till reduced.
2. Sautee mushrooms until golden, add shallots, garlic, thyme and white wine.
3. Stir in butter, flour, mil, single cream and cheese.
4. Layer in ⅓ of cooked mushrooms and a lasagne sheet, repeat three times.
5. Pour in remaining sauce, top with cheese and thyme and season with black pepper. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Follow our Instagram for the latest info from M&S: #Cream #Food #Recipe #SingleCream #ThisIsNotJust #唯MandS英國馬莎獨有 展开