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【情人節限定!Lady M x Perrier-Jouët 奢華蛋糕配香檳套裝】    

【情人節限定!Lady M x Perrier-Jouët 奢華蛋糕配香檳套裝】

情人節與摯愛締造甜蜜時刻, 以醉人香檳碰杯更浪漫。Lady M 與法國香檳品牌 Perrier-Jouët 聯乘,推出限量版奢華蛋糕配香檳套裝,除了配有以 Perrier-Jouët 巴黎之花特級乾型香檳製成的 #香檳千層蛋糕,更附送印有 Lady M 品牌標誌的 Perrier-Jouët 巴黎之花特級乾型香檳一枝,將充滿花果香氣的香檳,配以軟滑細緻的香檳千層蛋糕一同享用,為節日倍添醉意,將愛意甜蜜昇華! 奢華蛋糕配香檳套裝現可於網上 預訂(最早取餅日期為 2 月 8 日),並於全線 Lady M 香港店限量發售,立即選購與愛侶閨蜜一起舉杯慶祝吧!
Can you hear the bottle popping? Our Champagne Mille Crepes are here to elevate the romance on Valentine’s Day! Indulging in a 9-inch Champagne Mille Crepes with a limited edition of Lady M crossover Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut Champagne N.V., printed with the signature Lady M logo on the bottle. Savour the glorious cake and sip on a glass of bubbly for an unforgettable celebration on Valentine’s Day with your other half. Deluxe Package with the whole cake and limited edition Champagne bottle is now available for online pre-order at and available exclusively at all Lady M Hong Kong boutiques in limited quantity. *Please enjoy responsibly. 理性享樂
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