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【首度登場!Lady M x Perrier-Jouët 香檳千層蛋糕】    

【首度登場!Lady M x Perrier-Jouët 香檳千層蛋糕】

農曆新年及情人節將至,以 Lady M 香檳千層蛋糕為你締造浪漫氣氛!Lady M 與法國香檳品牌 Perrier-Jouët 聯乘,於香港首度推出期間限定的 #香檳千層蛋糕,以高貴優雅的 Perrier-Jouët 巴黎之花特級乾型香檳製成面層晶瑩剔透的香檳啫喱,帶來閃亮的視覺享受;而人手製作的超薄班戟內均勻塗上柔滑的士多啤梨味忌廉。每吃一口,也感受到香檳的清幽花香和士多啤梨果香,軟滑忌廉與清爽啫喱的質感完美配搭,雅緻細膩,為節日締造難忘醉人的回憶。 件裝蛋糕即日起於全線 Lady M 香港店限量供應,網上預訂原個蛋糕及奢華蛋糕配香檳套裝現已開放(最早取餅日期為 2 月 8 日)。
With the Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day arriving in quick succession, there’re loads of reasons to celebrate. Lady M is popping a bottle of champagne and pour it into our new Champagne Mille Crêpes! It’s jointly created with Perrier-Jouët, where the Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut Champagne N.V. finds it way into the gelée on top and the strawberrt-accented pastry cream, revealing the crisp, refreshing and fruity flavour. Sliced Champagne Mille Crêpes is now available exclusively at all Lady M Hong Kong boutiques in limited quantity. A deluxe package with the whole cake and limited edition Champagne bottle is also now available for online pre-order on Lady M website. Pick it up at our boutique and raise a slice of cake to the occasion! *Please enjoy responsibly. 理性享樂
#LadyMHK #PerrierJouet #PerrierJouetGrandBrut #LadyMCake #NewFlavour #LadyM #NewCake #LadyMChampagne #ChampagneMilleCrepes #cakelover #hkcakeshop #hkig #hkfood #hkfoodie #instafood #champagne #champagnejelly #champagnecake #crepecake #dessert #bubbly #celebration #生日蛋糕 #甜品 #香檳 #千層蛋糕 #ケーキ #シャンパン #蛋糕 展开