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【Tailor-made Denim for Your Little One | 為寶寶而設的牛仔系列】   

【Tailor-made Denim for Your Little One | 為寶寶而設的牛仔系列】

Whether your kid loves to run around or dress pretty, we’ve got our denim ready for them! From the action-ready #DenimJoggers with #Fantastiflex to the princess-like #PuffSleeve #DenimJacket , our #SuperSoft denim pieces are made to ensure that your little one rocks every day with style and comfort!
不論是調皮好動還是天生愛美的孩子,都會愛上Gap的牛仔系列!系列款式眾多,如採用Fantastiflex #彈力面料 製成的 #牛仔褲 和甜美公主風的 #泡泡袖 #牛仔外套,觸感 #柔軟舒適 ,設計 #時尚可愛 ,讓小寶貝更自在和自信地度過每一天! S...hop the Collection|選購系列: #GapHK #GapKids #babyGap 展开