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【New Outfits for the New Season | 換上新裝迎接冬日】   

【New Outfits for the New Season | 換上新裝迎接冬日】

It’s finally that time of the year: the season of Sweaters, Outerwear and parties! Endorsed by Asian pop diva
蔡依林 Jolin Tsai, our holiday collection including #Sweaters, #Parkas and #Khakis is equally suitable for everyday and festive occasions, making it a game-changer for holiday dressing!
秋天過去,終於來到毛衣、外套和派對的季節了!由亞洲流行天后 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai 代言的節日系列 如 #針織衫、#派克外套 和 #卡其褲 現已登場,精緻細節簡約而不單調,讓你在接踵而來的大小場合中都能展現自信魅力!... Shop the Collection|選購系列: #GapHK #babyGap 展开