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五月是心理健康月! 以下是5個關注你精神健康的提示:⁣   

五月是心理健康月! 以下是5個關注你精神健康的提示:⁣

1) 遠離那些不斷觸發你焦慮情緒的人。⁣

2) 即使挫折也沒關係, 尋求幫助亦不是一件可恥的事。⁣...

3) 其中一個最有效結束受精神疾病困懮的方法, 是停止要隱藏這情感的想法。⁣

4) 抑鬱, 焦慮和精神疾病並沒有什麼大區別。 提高自我意識, 多點關懷身邊的朋友, 不需要對自己作出有利的事情而感到難過。⁣

5) 時刻以禮待人, 我們都在為各自無形的戰鬥而努力。⁣

MAY is Mental Health Awareness Month! 5 mental health reminders:⁣

1) Let go of people who constantly trigger your anxiety.⁣

2) It’s okay to not be okay, asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of.⁣

3) One of the most effective ways to end the stigma around mental illness is to stop thinking it has to be hidden.⁣

4) Depression, anxiety and mental illness do not discriminate. Become self-aware, check on your friends and don’t feel bad for doing what is best for you.⁣

5) Be kind today, we’re all going through our own invisible battles and trying our best.⁣

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