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現已接受預訂: Primavera「暢順呼吸」有機口罩噴霧 😷(20ml HK$85)⁣⁣⁣⁣

清新活力的有機口罩噴霧蘊含薄荷、 甜橙、 薰衣草、 金縷梅和岩薔薇等純天然精油和植物純露, 散發清爽的薄荷香氣。 口罩噴霧可使您配戴口罩時感覺更舒適, 減輕焗促感, 令您呼吸更暢順。 使用前先搖勻, 在口罩外面噴灑1-2次, 待口罩乾透後 (約2-3分鐘), 照常配戴口罩。 (*適合12歲或以上人士使用)⁣。 這是一個送給家人朋友極佳的聖誕新年🎁
⁣New product coming soon!⁣⁣⁣
Pre-order now: Primavera “Breathe Easy” Organic Face Mask 😷Spray (20ml HK$85)⁣⁣⁣
The liberating and invigorating organic mask spray with a fresh, minty scent of pure natural essential oils and plant waters from spearmint, orange, lavender, witch hazel and rockrose. The mask spray makes it easier to wear masks, relieves feelings of oppression and helps you to breathe better. Shake, spray 1-2 puffs on the outside of the mask, let it dry well (2-3 minutes) and then use the mask as usual. (*From the age of 12.)⁣ This is an excellent Xmas / New Year gift 🎁 for families and friends!
#Primavera #BEYORG #TurnOrganic #OrganicSkincare #OrganicBodycare See more