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剛剛到港 ✈️ ! 我們很高興為大家展示Less is More產品的全新包裝!⁣   

剛剛到港 ✈️ ! 我們很高興為大家展示Less is More產品的全新包裝!⁣

品牌將以往使用的PET膠樽全部轉為循環再造的PET膠樽, 以提高塑料包裝的可持續性。⁣ PET膠樽經過回收過程後, 會呈現出不同顏色, 這亦影響了原有的透明包裝設計。 因此除了對膠樽進行著色處理, 品牌亦藉此改良設計, 在視覺上加強突出品牌的理念: Less is More簡單就是美。⁣

Just arrived ✈️ ! We are super happy to show you how Less is More will look from today!⁣

Less is More has converted all PET bottles to recycled PET, contributing to a more sustainable use of plastic packaging. Due to the recycling process, RePET comes in different colours, which would affect the existing design of the transparent bottles. With this necessary colouring of the bottles, it was the intention to refine the design as well and to bring the philosophy even more on point visually: Less is More.⁣ #Repost from 📝@lessismorenews #LessisMore #CertifiedOrganic #BEYORG #TurnOrganic #OrganicHaircare 展开