又一城 >   BEYORG 有機無限     >

BEYORG 的8間門店中, 其中6間門店都設有1-2間面部療程護理室, 並且有多種療程可供選擇,   

BEYORG 的8間門店中, 其中6間門店都設有1-2間面部療程護理室, 並且有多種療程可供選擇, 分別是置地廣場、 太古廣場、 希慎廣場、 圓方、 又一城及新城市廣場分店。 請親臨 BEYORG享受有機面部護理!

Among our 8 shops in Hong Kong, 6 of them have one or two facial rooms inside the shop and there are many treatments to choose from. Our shops that provide facial treatments are at Landmark, Pacific Place, Hysan Place, Elements, Festival Walk and New Town Plaza. Come and enjoy organic facial treatments at BEYORG! #FacialTreatment #BEYORG #TurnOrganic #OrganicBeauty #OrganicSkincare