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BEYORG x Primavera - 秋冬乾燥季節特別優惠: 有機甜杏仁油 (HK$190)⁣   

BEYORG x Primavera - 秋冬乾燥季節特別優惠: 有機甜杏仁油 (HK$190)⁣

經NaTrue有機認證, Primavera有機甜杏仁油的質地宜人、 氣味清淡, 是一款能與各種精油配搭使用的底油。 適用於各種膚質, 特別適合乾燥、 敏感肌膚。 同時是極佳的按摩油, 亦可作為沐浴後的滋潤身體油。⁣

BEYORG x Primavera - Fall Winter Special Offer: Soothing Organic Sweet Almond Oil (HK$190)⁣

NaTrue Certified Organic, Primavera Soothing Organic Sweet Almond Oil is the most popular all-purpose organic carrier oil because of its pleasant texture, lack of scent and rich proteins. It is good for all skin types, but especially beneficial to those who have very dry, rough or sensitive skin. Excellent as a massage oil, or as a body oil to apply to your body after a bath or shower.⁣ Follow us on instagram @beyorg
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