我們的銅鑼灣希慎廣場分店暫時關閉進行裝修工程, 很快便會以全新的面貌重新開幕! 在此期間, 我們在同層設有期間限定店, 繼續為您提供服務。期間限定店營業時間為每天上午十時半至晚上十時, 並設有多項專享優惠, 歡迎親臨了解更多! The Hysan Place shop is temporarily closed for renovation. Beyorg will re-appear with a brand new style soon!... During this time, we have set up a pop up store on the same floor to continue our service to you. The pop up store opens daily from 10:30am to 10pm, and there are many exclusive offers waiting for you! Follow us on instagram @beyorg
我們的銅鑼灣希慎廣場分店暫時關閉進行裝修工程, 很快便會以全新的面貌重新開幕! 在此期間, 我們在同層設有期間限定店, 繼續為您提供服務。期間限定店營業時間為每天上午十時半至晚上十時, 並設有多項專享優惠, 歡迎親臨了解更多! The Hysan Place shop is temporarily closed for renovation. Beyorg will re-appear with a brand new style soon!... During this time, we have set up a pop up store on the same floor to continue our service to you. The pop up store opens daily from 10:30am to 10pm, and there are many exclusive offers waiting for you! Follow us on instagram @beyorg