白色的Ballerine mid-length tutu skirt採用永恆的黑白設計突出Special 22 Rue de la Paix signature的特色,讓芭蕾舞紗裙成為你的週末日常。 The white Ballerine mid-length tutu skirt is a trendy and modern variation of the traditional dance skirt. Let the urban version of the dance petticoat becomes your weekend item. Bottom: Ballerine mid-length tutu skirt...
慶祝巴黎和平街22號(22 Rue de la Paix)旗艦店成立60週年的特別時刻,特別並以永恒的黑白設計經典的Cendrillon芭蕾舞鞋,藉此向首家旗艦店的芭蕾舞傳統致敬。 To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Rue de la Paix Flagship Store, the iconic Cendrillon ballerinas are given a special Rue de la Paix signature in the long-lasting black and white design. On Model: Cendrillon ballerinas...