Greyhound Café
Revel yourself in the Bangkok Seafood Street Market inspired Greyhound Café at Time Square ✨ ~ Kitchen is always the heart and soul of our restaurant 💛 !! Surrounded by various Bangkok-ian seafood street market elements such as the juxtaposed blackboards with seasonal seafood dishes written on top, our theatrical open kitchen enables exquisite cooking showcase by proficient chefs while attaching with a seafood display bar that’s full of straight-from-the source fresh seafoo
Revel yourself in the Bangkok Seafood Street Market inspired Greyhound Café at Time Square ✨ ~ Kitchen is always the heart and soul of our restaurant 💛 !! Surrounded by various Bangkok-ian seafood street market elements such as the juxtaposed blackboards with seasonal seafood dishes written on top, our theatrical open kitchen enables exquisite cooking showcase by proficient chefs while attaching with a seafood display bar that’s full of straight-from-the source fresh seafoo
【品嚐Häagen-Dazs™全新Barista Collection💓甜蜜幸福感Up】 生活的確唔容易,一於放低煩惱試吓品嚐當中嘅甜蜜幸福感😘!Häagen-Dazs™全新Barista Collection以Café作為靈感,帶俾你relax嘅感覺 💕 朱古力控必試呢款限定Chocolate Frappé雪糕!🍫純正比利時朱古力雪糕結合牛奶朱古力醬同朱古力布朗尼帶嚟三重朱古力享受🤩,每啖都超濃郁!Barista Collection仲有另外兩款Caramel Chai Latte同Brownie Macchiato雪糕,你都快啲試吓啦! 即刻click入 festivalwalk 仲可以睇片跟住整由得獎咖啡師設計嘅「Chill-out雪糕特飲–Choco-Berry Frappé」,喺屋企享受悠閒一刻😉!...
【品嚐Häagen-Dazs™全新Barista Collection💓甜蜜幸福感Up】 生活的確唔容易,一於放低煩惱試吓品嚐當中嘅甜蜜幸福感😘!Häagen-Dazs™全新Barista Collection以Café作為靈感,帶俾你relax嘅感覺 💕 朱古力控必試呢款限定Chocolate Frappé雪糕!🍫純正比利時朱古力雪糕結合牛奶朱古力醬同朱古力布朗尼帶嚟三重朱古力享受🤩,每啖都超濃郁!Barista Collection仲有另外兩款Caramel Chai Latte同Brownie Macchiato雪糕,你都快啲試吓啦! 即刻click入 festivalwalk 仲可以睇片跟住整由得獎咖啡師設計嘅「Chill-out雪糕特飲–Choco-Berry Frappé」,喺屋企享受悠閒一刻😉!...