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「惜食堂」 Food Angel 是小寶慈善基金於2011年開展的首個食物回收及援助計劃,宗旨為「停止浪費、解決飢餓、以愛相連」。   

「惜食堂」 Food Angel 是小寶慈善基金於2011年開展的首個食物回收及援助計劃,宗旨為「停止浪費、解決飢餓、以愛相連」。「惜食堂」團隊致力向本地飲食界回收仍可安全食用之剩餘食物,並免費派發給社會上需要食物援助的人士。

中秋佳節將至,為分享節日喜,時代集團參與「惜食堂」 義工活動,向長者與弱勢群體傳播愛與關懷。 Food Angel is a food rescue and food assistance program launched in 2011 by Bo Charity Foundation with the mission of "Waste Not, Hunger Not, With Love". The program rescues edible surplus food from different sectors of the food industry that would otherwise be disposed of as waste.
Mid-autumn festival is coming, SITOY GROUP shared the festival happiness and spread our loves & cares to the elderly and underprivileged people.