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我們於3月23日傍晚獲悉一名總部員工初步確診感染「2019新冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19)」,該名員工曾於3月17日外勤到銅鑼灣時代廣場店作審計工作。 為確保顧客及員工的安全及作為預防措施,由即日起,銅鑼灣時代廣場店暫停營業3天(3月24日 星期二 至 3月26日 星期四)進行全面清潔及消毒,並於3月27日(星期五)恢復營業,為各位顧客提供服務。... 同時,我們已安排其緊密接觸者在家隔離14天;我們會密切跟進有關員工的健康狀況,多謝大家關心。 不便之處,敬請原諒。 顧客可到附近怡和街豐澤、太古城豐澤或到網店 購物。 【Times Square Store Business Resume on 27 Mar (Friday) 】
We were informed in the evening of 23 Mar that a headquarter staff, who visited Times Square Store for auditing task on 17 Mar, was initially diagnosed with the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). As a preventive measure and to ensure the safety of our customers and staff, Times Square Store will be temporarily closed for 3 days from 24 Mar (Tuesday) to 26 Mar (Thursday). We will arrange deep clean and disinfection for this store and will resume business on 27 Mar (Friday). Meanwhile, store staff with close contact with that headquarter staff are required to conduct self-quarantine at home for 14 days. We sincerely thank you for your concern. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. Customers can visit FORTRESS at Yee Wo Street Causeway Bay, FORTRESS at Cityplaza Taikoo or shop at . 展开