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【Are COVID-19 containment efforts working?   

【Are COVID-19 containment efforts working? Is China positioned to lead an economic recovery? Watch Facebook LIVE now】

With more than 2.2 million COVID-19 cases according to the World Health Organization as of April 19 and more than a third of the world’s population under some form of lockdown, are containment efforts helping to flatten the pandemic curve? China’s gradual re-emergence from its COVID-19 ‘hibernation’ also offers glimmers of hope as to what could be a short cont...raction for the world economy. Join us as Paul Hodes speaks with Dr. Faiqa Cheema, Director Transplant Infectious Disease, Hartford Hospital, Connecticut on her views regarding the virus outbreak as well as Ken Peng, Head of Asia Investment Strategy, Citi Private Bank on what are the implications for the financial markets. A Chinese subtitled version will be available on our Facebook page afterwards. Please stay tuned. 【全球防疫工作係咪見效?中國能否引領經濟復甦? 立即收睇直播】
根據世界衛生組織截至4月19日嘅公佈,全球錄得超過220萬宗確診,超過三分一人口面對不同程度嘅隔離,各國嘅防疫工作係咪有助放緩疫情所帶嚟嘅影響?中國逐漸走出COVID-19陰霾,亦為環球經濟帶嚟一絲希望。 Citi嘅環球經濟專家,Paul Hodes, Head of Consumer Bank Wealth Management, Citibank Asia Pacific and EMEA請嚟Dr. Faiqa Cheema, Director Transplant Infectious Disease, Hartford Hospital, Connecticut分享佢對疫情嘅最新睇法;亦會同Ken Peng, Head of Asia Investment Strategy, Citi Private Bank為大家剖析財經市場可能面對嘅影響。立即收睇Facebook直播了解專家嘅建議! LIVE完結之後,我哋稍後會响Facebook上載中文字幕重播版本,敬請密切留意。 Investments are not bank deposits and involve risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Potential investors should consider if an investment is suitable for them in the light of their own financial position, investment objectives and risk profile. 投資帶有風險,亦有可能導致本金的損失。任何人士於作出投資前,應尋求獨立諮詢,考慮有關投資是否合適您! 展开